"Unstoppable 2023"

Welcome to Slava Raškaj Center's "Unstoppable 2023" project blog

About HR
O projektu
Uzbudljive avanture s našim novim volonterima počinju ponovno s početkom školske godine! Hvala AMPEU- na prihvaćanju našeg projekta „Unstoppable 2023“ i odobrenju za osam novih volontera!

Hvala Antoniji, Sari, Annaleni, Zoi, Biserku, Iman, koji iako više nisu naši službeni volonteri, ostaju u našim srcima i sjećanjima na pustolovine i aktivnosti koje smo zajedno doživjeli..

Sada predstavljamo volontere koji su nam upravo stigli…
Dobro došli: Jakov, Martina i Kiara!!!
Veselimo se upoznati vas!
About the project
Exciting adventures with our new volunteers start again with the beginning of the school year! Thank you AMPEU- for accepting our project "Unstoppable 2023" and approving eight new volunteers!

Thank you to Antonija, Sara, Annalena, Zoa, Biserko, Iman, who, although they are no longer our official volunteers, remain in our hearts and memories through the adventures and activities we experienced together.

Now we present the volunteers who just arrived... Welcome: Jakov, Martina and Kiara!!!

We look forward to meeting you! Good luck!

Hello I’m Lisa from Paris!I’m volunteering at the center “Slava Raškaj” and I’m here to bring creative activities and ideas to the students. Before coming in Zagreb, I used to work with kids and participate in artistic projects.

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Hello ! My name is Emma Michel, I’m from France, and I’m volunteering at the Center “Slava Raškaj” especially on the zero-waste project. I had a master's degree in communication and marketing and used to work at a graphic design school in France

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Hello everyone! My name is Martina Grabovac and I am a new volunteer at the Center for Education "Slava Raškaj". I completed my undergraduate studies in Social Work at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law.

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My name is Jakov Sudar. I was born in 1993 in Zagreb. I attended secondary vocational school at the Slava Raškaj Center for Education, and for a long time I have been attending rehabilitation programs through the Day Center COO Slava Raškaj.

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Hi, my name is Martina Sopta and I come from Zagreb. I am a graduated socialworker. I joined this project because I wanted to gain new knowledge and skills in thefield of working with children and young people.

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Hi everyone! My name is Kiara and I am a new volunteer at the "Slava Raškaj" Center. I am 24 years old and a 4th year student at The Faculty of Economics & Business in Zagreb.

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The article highlights May updates from a volunteer's journey, including creating posters for a food waste exhibition, exploring Sarajevo and Dalmatia, and bidding farewell to Croatia as the volunteer prepares to start a new job in France.

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Yesterday we did a workshop with clay!

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Last week we organized a cooking day at our place with the students !

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In this article, I recount my April adventures, from exploring Venice's enchanting canals to securing a job in France and wrapping up the Zero Waste Catering Lab project. Additionally, I share highlights from European Youth Week, my exploration of Samobor, and a memorable visit to Sarajevo.

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This week we organized a fashion day with the students ! The purpose was to show them how to reuses old clothes, and exchanges them to create some uniques outfits through nice combinations.

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This week we are preparing a fashion show with students !

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Hello there! It's been a while since I last caught up with you. So, what's been going on in March? New roommate, visit of a microvegetables farm, french meal, week-end in pula and visit of my family...

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Hey, it’s been one week since my arrival in Zagreb! I’m starting to take my marks in the city and in the project! Since then, I brought creatives activities to the students.

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Tuesday, 5th of March, I had the opportunity to visit a micro vegetables family farm in the northeastern east of Zagreb with a group of students and educators.

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Yesterday, Wednesday, March 8th, we hosted a delightful French lunch in my apartment. The menu featured Gratin dauphinois (French potato gratin) ; a selection f French cheeses with salad and Crêpes 🥞

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It's been two weeks since my on-arrival training in Orahovica, and quite a lot has happened since then. Let’s catch up in this article ! A trip to Belgrade, working on a report for the zero waste project, Easter workshop, tattoo souvenir...

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Last week, I attended my on-arrival training in Orahovica, a city in Eastern Croatia. The training consisted of various workshops focusing on our volunteering and its connection to the European Solidarity Corps.

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