U periodu od 12.12. do 13.12. ambasadorica projekta Europskih snaga solidarnosti "Unstoppable 2023" i ja, imale smo priliku predstaviti projekt "Europskih snaga solidarnosti" studentima socijalnog rada u Zagrebu. Predavanje je bilo vrlo zanimjivo. Imale smo priliku pobliže upoznati mlade s projektom te sam i ja kao volonter imala priliku podijeliti svoje iskustvo.
In the period from 12.12. until 13.12. the ambassador of the European Solidarity Corps project "Unstoppable 2023" and I had the opportunity to present the "European Solidarity Corps" project to social work students in Zagreb. The lecture was very interesting. We had the opportunity to get to know the young people more closely about the project, and I, as a volunteer, also had the opportunity to share my experience.