08 Nov

U pretḫodnom periodu bila sam posvećena poslovima socijalnog rada kao što su pisanje dopisa i priprema individualnih planova za učenike. uz pripemu psihosocijalnih radionica  svakodnevno se susrećem i sa poslovima socijalnog rada što smatram vrlo korisnim za svoj profesionalni razvoj. Do sada sam stekla puno korisnih znanja i vještina za koje sam sigurna da će mi koristiti u budućem radu te smatram da je ova vrsta volontiranja odličan način pripreme za tržište rada. Radionica koju bi izdvojila kao najzanimljiviju u ovom periodu je radionica povodom Međunarodnog dana gluhih i nagluhih osoba. Kroz zanimljive kvizove i mali tečaj znakovnog jezika uspjeli smo upoznati učenike s obilježjima gluhoće i načinom funkcioniranja gluhih i nagluhih osoba te smatram da im je to bilo vrlo zanimljivo i korisno.

In the previous period, I was dedicated to social work tasks such as writing letters and preparing individual plans for students. In addition to preparing psychosocial workshops, I also deal with social work every day, which I consider very useful for my professional development. So far, I have acquired a lot of useful knowledge and skills that I am sure will be useful in my future work, and I believe that this type of volunteering is an excellent way to prepare for the labor market. The workshop that I would single out as the most interesting in this period is the workshop on the occasion of the International Day of the Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Through interesting quizzes and a small sign language course, we were able to introduce the students to the characteristics of deafness and the way deaf and hard of hearing people function, and I think that it was very interesting and useful for them.

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