Dragi ljudi,
mojoj je veseloj družini djece i srednjoškolki trebalo nekoliko dana da se slegnu dojmovi od zadnjeg nastupa. Zajedno dijelimo jednu dragu i toplu uspomenu u ovim sve hladnijim danima, a to je mene još više povezalo sa svima. Međutim, zaključili smo da nam nastupanja nije dosta. Dalje radimo punom parom za božićnu priredbu koja se opasno približava. Odlučili smo pokazati ono što već znamo i s čime smo nastupili na posljednjem nastupu, ali i dodajemo jednu posebnu točku u kojoj će obje skupine plesati skupa, osobito jer su starije djevojke izrazile želju za novom koreografijom. U četvrtak su nas posjetila i dva mladića koji su također izrazili želju za plesom. Odlično su se uklopili i pohvatali korake. Možda se skupina i prošiti, vidjet ćemo. Djevojke su jako uzbuđene, a primijetim da dosta vježbaju i kod kuće. Neki koraci koji su ih mučili na jednom treningu idući su put već sasvim uvježbani. Katkad se i čujemo izvan treninga za bonus upute. Vjerujem da ćemo završiti ovu godinu s nastupom za pamćenje.
Do idućeg puta
Dear people,
It took a few days for my cheerful group of children and high schoolers to process all the impressions from our last performance. Together, we share a dear and warm memory during these increasingly chilly days, which has brought me even closer to all of them. However, we’ve come to the conclusion that one performance simply isn’t enough for us!We’re now working at full speed for the upcoming Christmas show, which is fast approaching. We’ve decided to showcase what we already know and what we performed last time, but we’re also adding a special new routine where both groups will dance together. This idea came about because the older girls expressed a desire for a new choreography.On Thursday, we were also visited by two young boys who expressed an interest in dancing. They fit in wonderfully and picked up the steps quickly. Perhaps our group will even grow—time will tell. The girls are very excited, and I’ve noticed they practice quite a lot at home. Some steps that challenged them in one training session are already polished by the next. Occasionally, we even communicate outside of practice for bonus instructions. I truly believe we’ll end this year with a performance to remember.
Until next time,