02 Dec

Dragi ljudi,

napokon smo dočekali i svoj nastup na USPET ART festivalu. Obje su grupe bile jako uzbuđene. Svi smo se okupili 2 sata ranije na mjestu nastupa kako bismo se skupa odjenuli u kostime, pripremili frizure i šminku. Nažalost, nisu mogli doći svi naši plesači, ali smo se brzo dogovorili kako ćemo se snaći s obzirom na to. Dok su se neki spremali, drugi su ponavljali koreografiju, a svi smo skupa jedni drugima pružali podršku. U trenutcima kada je ostalo samo nekoliko točaka do našeg nastupa zajedno smo napravili zagrijavanje kako bismo se pripremili, ali i opustili tijelo prije izlaska pred publiku. Ponavljali su se pokreti i dijelili zagrljaji. Kad je došao naš red za nastup, djeca su mi rekla da im je nestala sva trema. Izvedba je bila bolja nego i na jednoj probi. Svi smo bili jako zadovoljni nastupom, a dalje se hodnicima govorkalo i radovalo idućim nastupima i idejama za ples. Vjerujem da i vi jedva čekate saznati što slijedi.
Do idućeg puta


Dear friends,

We have finally reached the moment of our performance at the USPET ART Festival. Both groups were very excited. We all gathered two hours earlier at the venue to dress up in our costumes, prepare hairstyles, and apply makeup together. Unfortunately, not all our dancers could come that day, but we quickly came up with a plan to manage the situation. While some were getting ready, others were rehearsing the choreography, and everyone was offering support to one another. As the time drew near and only a few performances were left before ours, we did a group warm-up to prepare and relax our bodies before stepping in front of the audience. Movements were repeated, and hugs were exchanged. When it was our turn to perform, the children told me that all their stage fright had disappeared. The performance was even better than any of our rehearsals. We were all thrilled with how it went, and as we walked through the hallways afterward, there was excited chatter about future performances and new dance ideas. I believe you, too, can’t wait to see what comes next.

Until next time,

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