21 Dec

Prošli tjedan, u razdoblju od 11. do 15. prosinca, smo prisustvovale On Arrival treningu u Orahovici, koji je organiziran od strane “Europskih snaga solidarnosti”. Upoznale smo druge volontere iz drugih zemalja i organizacija, upoznale se s njihovim kulturama te izmijenili svoja iskustva. Dani su bili ispunjeni te su se sastojali od radionica koje su se održavala svaki dan. Radionice su nas poticale da shvatimo kako pridnosnosimo projektu, kako će projekt doprinijeti nama kao volonterima te kako pristupiti određenim preprekama. Vratile smo se s novim poznanstvima, znanjima te iskustvom koje ćemo svakako primjenjivati i pamtiti.

Last week, in the period from December 11 to 15, we attended the On Arrival training in Orahovica, which was organized by the "European Solidarity Forces". We met other volunteers from other countries and organizations, got to know their cultures and exchanged our experiences. The days were full and consisted of workshops held every day. The workshops encouraged us to understand how we contribute to the project, how the project will contribute to us as volunteers, and how to approach certain obstacles. We came back with new acquaintances, knowledge and experience that we will certainly apply and remember.

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