29 Jan

Bok svima! Ja sam Emma iz Francuske i volontiram u Slavi Raškaj već skoro 2 tjedna.
Komunikacija s djecom bila je pomalo izazovna, jer ne pričaju engleski, a ja ne pričam hrvatski, ali učitelji i osoblje su mi od velike pomoći kako bih se povezala s njima. Također, imam priliku podijeliti svoj materinji jezik s djecom u njihovom francuskom razredu , što pridodaje povezanosti. Uz to, učenici mi pomažu naučiti neke riječi na hrvatskom jeziku.
Uskočila sam odmah u Zero Waste projekt, gdje sam se pridružila učenicima u pripremi hamburgera od povrća i bez otpada. Bilo je super iskustvo, također sam bila dio zaključnog događaja u Gathering Labu u ponedjeljak, gdje su svi uključeni u projekt podijelili svoja razmišljanja.
Ovdje sam kratko, ali spremna sam dati sve od sebe i pridonijeti Zero Waste projektu.
Veselim se preostalim danima i avanturama koje me očekuju!

Hey everyone! I'm Emma from France, and I've been volunteering at Slave Raškaj for almost 2 weeks now.
Communicating with the kids has been a bit challenging, because they don't speak English, and I don't speak Croatian, but the teachers and staff have been amazing in helping me connect with them. I also have the chance to share my mother tongue with the kids in their French class, adding another layer of connection. In exchange, students help learn some words in Croatian.
I jumped right into the zero waste project, where I joined students in making veggie and zero waste burgers. It was such a cool experience, I also got to be part of the wrap-up event at the Gathering Lab on Monday, where everyone involved in the project shared their thoughts.
For the moment, my time here is short, but I'm eager to do my best and contribute more to the zero waste project.
Looking forward to the remaining days and the adventures that come my way!

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