Dragi ljudi,
proteklih nekoliko treninga bili su nešto drukčiji. Trajali su školski praznici zbog kojih su mnogi bili odsutni na treninzima. Neka su od djece bila s obiteljima ili na putovanjima. To je pružilo priliku nešto drukčijoj dinamici. S obzirom na mirniji tempo imala sam mogućnost pobliže raditi s individualcima koji su bili na treningu. U dječjoj su skupini to bile djevojčice s kojima sam stigla puno više razgovarati. Zajednički smo se razgibale kroz priču o željama i idejama za nastavak dalje, a zatim smo plesale neke kraće trendy koreografije te odradile photo shooting. Jednoj je od djevojčica to bilo van zone komfora, međutim svejedno se odvažila na to uz naša ohrabrenja. Vidjelo se kako je svakom fotografijom bila sve odvažnija, a naposlijetku mi je pružila jedan topao i čvrst zagrljaj govoreći koliko je zahvalna. U grupi sa srednjoškolkama sam imala priliku detaljnije prolaziti kroz neke pokrete, razvijati motoriku strpljivo i prilagođenim tempom svakoj od osoba. Prolazili smo detaljno kroz plesnu koreografiju, a pritom se jedna djevojka čak odvažila da se snimamo te analiziramo koji pokreti mogu biti još čišći i bolji te do odmah ispravljale. Bila sam jako ponosna na nju. Uskoro dolazi period malo intenzivnijeg rada s obzirom da nam se priprema nastup, ali o tome drugi put! :)
Dear people,
the past few training sessions were somewhat different. The school holidays lasted, due to which many were absent from training. Some of the children were with their families or on trips. This provided an opportunity for a somewhat different dynamic. Given the calmer pace, I had the opportunity to work more closely with the individuals who were in training. In the children's group, it was the girls I got to talk to a lot more. We got active together through a story about wishes and ideas for the future, and then we danced some shorter trendy choreographies and did a photo shoot. For one of the girls, it was out of her comfort zone, but she dared to do it anyway with our encouragement. You could see that she was getting more daring with each photo, and finally she gave me a warm and tight hug saying how grateful she was. In a group with high school girls, I had the opportunity to go through some movements in more detail, develop motor skills patiently and at a pace adapted to each person. We went through the dance choreography in detail, and one girl even dared to film herself and analyze which movements could be even cleaner and better and corrected them immediately. I was very proud of her. A period of slightly more intensive work is coming soon, considering that we are preparing a performance, but more on that another time! :)